Ava Kalea Scores A Goal in Her First Soccer Game!

Ava Kalea is super excited to be playing soccer and part of the Unicorns Soccer Club (team). She actually scored a goal in her first game ever vs the Kicking…

1 Year Old Baby Ava Kalea to Hit the Ski Slopes This Winter: Updated

Looking for Strategic Partnerships for Skiing Baby Project (Updated 10/11/17) This post first appeared on a LinkedIn ski professionals group pages and then on Awesome Travel Guides.  Thought it should…

Ava’s Idols: Jesse-Jane McParland

Ava Kalea is going to be learning martial arts with her dad as soon as possible. In preparation she has been watching YouTube videos of other youngsters practicing varying forms…

Ava Kalea Picks Hawks at New England

Ava Kalea is by no means a football expert, but she picks the Seattle Seahawks to win in an upset at New England tonight, in what was the Super Bowl…